How To Catch a Fish   

      1   Locate the ideal place to fish. Some fish are only found in certain waters and at different part of the day and year. Be aware of the fishing schedule of the type of fish you seek. When you locate the right waters and time be sure to fish around rocks or under over-head trees. Fish tend to stay or group themselves in the shade.
        2  Select appropriate bait. Choose the right bait to use to lure fish. Ideal items include worms, locust, grasshoppers and lure. Check fish bait and tackle shop for supplies. The bait used would determine the kind of fish attracted so be sure to know the right bait to lure the type of fish you desire
        3  Bait the hook. Affix your bait onto the hook. This is an important step because fishes are not exactly dumb animals. If you bait and hook is too obvious it would be ignored. Set baits to look as natural as possible and try to disguise the hook. Using two types of bait might help.
        4  Cast your reel. Make sure the area around you is clear to avoid accidents. Push and hold in the button on your reel. Draw back the pole behind you over your shoulders and snap the pole end like a whip. This would propel the hook straight into the water. As the hook shoots forward into water release the button. A bit of practice may be necessary.
        5  Reeling in the fish. When there is a catch, you have to reel in the fish skillfully to avoid losing it. When the line suddenly goes out or the bobber jerks under you should draw in the line slowly until it is tight. This secures hook in the fish’s mouth. Draw back on the pole and begin to reel in the fish. Do not drag or force it; try to tire the fish before reeling it in completely.
        6  Unhook the fish. Using gloves to hold the slippery fish, you can decide to unhook the fish using either your bare hands or pliers. Pliers make it safer for you and the fish. Squeeze the sides of the fish head to open the mouth. Observe how the hook is attached and then gently unhook. Place fish in bucket of water or use a stringer for large fishes.

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