Thursday, August 2, 2012

Hari Merdeka

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Hari Merdeka

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A man is thrown into the air by a crowd during Merdeka Day celebrations in Merdeka Square, Kuala Lumpur, 2008
This article is part of a series on the
History of Malaysia

Prehistoric Malaysia
Early kingdoms
Chi Tu (100 BC–7th)
Gangga Negara (2nd–11th)
Langkasuka (2nd–14th)
Pan Pan (3rd–5th)
Srivijaya (7th–13th)
Majapahit (13th–15th)
Kedah Kingdom (630–1136)
The rise of Muslim states
Kedah Sultanate (1136–present)
Malacca Sultanate (1402–1511)
Sulu Sultanate (1450–1899)
Johor Sultanate (1528–present)
Colonial era
Portuguese Malacca (1511–1641)
Dutch Malacca (1641–1824)
Straits Settlements (1826–1946)
British Malaya (1874–1946)
Federated Malay States (1895–1946)
Unfederated Malay States (1909–46)
Kingdom of Sarawak (1841–1946)
North Borneo (1882–1963)
Japanese occupation (1941–1945)
Malaysia in transition
Malayan Union (1946–1948)
Federation of Malaya (1948–1963)
Independence (1957)
Federation of Malaysia (1963–present)
See also
Communications history
Military history
Timeline of history
Portal icon Malaysia portal

Hari Merdeka (Independence Day) is a national day of Malaysia commemorating the independence of the Federation of Malaya from British colonial rule in 1957, celebrated on August 31 each year.


Events leading up to independence

The effort for independence was spearheaded by Tunku Abdul Rahman, the first Prime Minister of Malaysia, who led a delegation of ministers and political leaders of Malaya in negotiations with the British in London for Merdeka, or independence along with the first president of the Malayan Chinese Association (MCA) Tun Dato Sir Tan Cheng Lock and fifth President of Malaysian Indian Congress Tun V.T. Sambanthan. Once it became increasingly clear that the Communist threat posed during the Malayan Emergency was petering out, agreement was reached on February 8, 1956, for Malaya to gain independence from the British Empire. However, for a number of logistical and administrative reasons, it was decided that the official proclamation of independence would only be made the next year, on August 31, 1957, at Stadium Merdeka (Independence Stadium), in Kuala Lumpur.

August 31, 1957

On the night of August 30, 1957, crowds gathered at the Royal Selangor Club Padang in Kuala Lumpur to witness the handover of power from the British. Prime Minister-designate Tunku Abdul Rahman arrived at 11:58 pm and joined members of the Alliance Party's youth divisions in observing two minutes of darkness.[1] On the stroke of midnight, the lights were switched back on, and the Union Flag in the square was lowered.[2] The new Flag of Malaya was raised as the national anthem Negaraku was played. This was followed by seven chants of 'Merdeka' by the crowd.[1][2] Tunku Abdul Rahman gave a speech hailing the ceremony as "greatest moment in the life of the Malayan people".[1]

On the morning of Saturday, August 31, 1957, the festivities moved to the newly-completed Merdeka Stadium. More than 20,000 people witnessed the ceremony, which began at 9:30 am. Those in attendance included rulers of the Malay states, foreign dignitaries, members of the federal cabinet and citizens.[3] The Queen's representative, the Duke of Gloucester presented Tunku Abdul Rahman with the instrument of independence.[3] Tunku then proceeded to read the Proclamation of Independence, which culminated in the chanting of 'Merdeka' seven times with the crowd joining in. The ceremony continued with the raising of the National Flag of Malaya accompanied by the national anthem being played and a 21-gun salute, followed by an azan call and a thanksgiving prayer in honor of this great occasion.[3]


The foreign guests of honour included:

Members of royal families
Heads of government
Representatives from other British colonies
Members of the former British colonial administration

The formation of Malaysia

The Federation of Malaysia, comprising the States of Malaya, North Borneo (later renamed Sabah), Sarawak and Singapore was to be officially declared on the date August 31, 1963, on the 6th anniversary of Malayan independence. However, it was postponed to September 16, 1963, mainly due to Indonesian and the Philippines' opposition to the formation of Malaysia. Nevertheless, North Borneo and Singapore declared sovereignty on August 31, 1963. Indonesian opposition later escalated to a military conflict. Indonesia considered Malaysia as a new form of colonization on the provinces of Sarawak and Sabah in the island of Borneo (bordering Kalimantan, Indonesia), which they laid claim on. [4] To assure Indonesia that Malaysia was not a form of neo-colonialism, a referendum, organized by the United Nations, and the Cobbold Commission, led by Lord Cobbold, were formed to determine whether the people of Sabah and Sarawak wished to join Malaysia. Their eventual findings which indicated substantial support for Malaysia among the peoples of Sabah and Sarawak, cleared the way for the final proclamation of Malaysia.

The formation of the Federation of Malaysia was then announced on September 16, 1963 as Malaysia Day. The nationwide Independence Day celebration is still held on August 31, the original independence date of Malaya, while Malaysia Day was a public holiday only in East Malaysia. However, this has caused some minor discontent among East Malaysians in particular since it has been argued that celebrating the national day on August 31 is too Malaya-centric.[5][6][7] In 2009, it was decided that starting 2010, Malaysia Day would be a nationwide public holiday in addition to Hari Merdeka on August 31.[8]


Year Theme
1970 Muhibah dan Perpaduan
(Love and Unity)
1971 Masyarakat Progresif
(Progressive Society)
1972 Masyarakat Adil
(Fair Society)
1973 Masyarakat Berkebudayaan Malaysia
(A Society with Malaysian Culture)
1974 Sains dan Teknologi Alat Perpaduan
(Science and Technology as Tools of Unity)
1975 Masyarakat Berdikari
(A Self-Reliant Society)
1976 Ketahanan Rakyat
(Strength of the People)
1977 Bersatu Maju
(United and Progressive)
1978 Kebudayaan Sendi Perpaduan
(Culture is the Core of Unity)
1979 Bersatu Berdisplin
(United and Disciplined)
1980 Berdisplin Berbakti
(Discipline and Service)
1981 Berdisplin Berharmoni
(Discipline and Harmony)
1982 Berdisplin Giat Maju
(Discipline Creates Progress)
1983 Bersama Ke Arah Kemajuan
(Together Towards Success)
1984 Amanah Asas Kejayaan
(Honesty Brings Success)
1985 Nasionalisme Teras Perpaduan
(Nationalism is the Core of Unity)
1986 Bangsa Tegas Negara Teguh
(Steadfast Society, Strong Country)
1987 Setia Bersatu Berusaha Maju
(Loyally United and Progressively Working)
1988 Bersatu
1989 Bersatu
1990 Berjaya
1991 Wawasan 2020
(Vision 2020)
1992 Wawasan Asas Kemajuan
(Vision is the Basis of Progress)
1993 Bersatu Menuju Wawasan
(Together Towards Vision)
1994 Nilai Murni Jayakan Wawasan
(Good Values Makes the Vision a Success)
1995 Jatidiri Pengerak Wawasan
(Steadfastness Moves the Vision Forward)
1996 Budaya Penentu Kecapaian
(Culture Determines Achievements )
1997 Akhlak Mulia Masyarakat Jaya
(Good Values Make a Successful Society)
1998 Negara Kita, Tanggungjawab Kita
(Our Country, Our Responsibility)
1999 Bersatu Ke Alaf Baru
(Together Towards the New Millennium)
2000–2006 Keranamu Malaysia
(Because of you, Malaysia)
2007 Malaysiaku Gemilang
(My Glorious Malaysia)
2008 Perpaduan Teras Kejayaan
(Unity Is The Core of Success)
2009 1 Malaysia: Rakyat Didahulukan, Pencapaian Diutamakan
(1 Malaysia: People First, Performance Now)
2010 1 Malaysia: Menjana Transformasi
(1 Malaysia Transforming the Nation)
2011 1 Malaysia: Transformasi Berjaya, Rakyat Sejahtera
(1 Malaysia: Transformation Success, People Peace)
2012 55 Tahun Merdeka: Janji Ditepati
(55 Years of Independence: Promises Fulfilled)

The 2012 theme has proven to be controversial, as it is seen by many Malaysians to be a political slogan rather than a patriotic one. The official "logo" was also ridiculed for its unconventional design. A video of the theme song uploaded on YouTube (with lyrics penned by Rais Yatim) has garnered an overwhelming number of "dislikes" because of its overtly political content, which had nothing to do with the spirit of independence.[9]